If you loved eLibrary NJ, download its latest version, the app Libby.
- Download the Libby App.
- Next select that you already have a library card. (If not, please come sign up for one during normal library business hours.)
- Then when asked for which library, search for Libraries Of Middlesex Automation Consortium. (South River Public Library belongs to Libby with this group.)
- Finally, sign up/in with your library card and pin number.
Follow these directions, if you'd like to read Libby books on a Kindle Fire.
Happy Reading!
You asked for it! You got it!
Thanks to the Friends of the South River Library, you can now return Books and Media, including DVDs, Audiobooks, and Music CDs in our new Book Drop located on the left side of the library near the side entrance.
Click Online Resources under Quick Links to find eLibraryNJ, FREEGAL, Jersey Cat, Zinio and more!
South River Library was delighted to accept an American flag donated by a local veteran for display in our Sivess Meeting Room. We appreciate the sacrifice of all our veterans and are so pleased to have this opportunity to say thank you for your service.
In regard to placing a Hold, you will receive a courtesy notice when a Hold becomes available for pick up. You are responsible for providing current and complete contact information and for choosing the preferred notification method – phone or email.
Holds not picked up will incur a $1 fee per item. Holds picked up on time are free.

This is to advise you that the area directly in front of the library was recently established as a Fire Lane by Borough Resolution. Parking in this area subjects you to a $100 fine.
Please park within the lines in any vacant spot in the expanded parking lot.

The South River Public Library along with its Board of Trustees and Friends of the Library, would like to thank Mrs. Dawn Bladzinski for her many years of service as Youth Services Librarian. During that time, she introduced toddlers and preschoolers to the fun place a library can be, helped elementary school children complete their projects and find their "just right" book, while inspiring teens to discover great new reasons to head over to South River Library. We, along with our patrons, wish Dawn all the best as she begins an exciting new chapter as a School Library Media Specialist.
50th Anniversary of the Championship Team - Hanco Service - 1964 J.F.K. Youth Program Minor League Champs

Another blast from the past - this time it's from 1961! Recognize any members of the team? Thanks for sharing Mark.

If you are interested in learning business, software, technology or creative skills, the OTL has a course for you. There are over 2500 courses to choose from, with new courses being added each month. Whether you want to learn Word or Excel, an iPhone or iPad program, how create a Gmail account, or just looking for some management tips, the OTL will provide you with a tutorial in small, manageable modules, to help you achieve success.
Access to the OTL is available in the Library on our public computers as well on your own personal devices. Go to: http://iplogin.lynda.com and begin your exploration.
Please help support our library!
With the new Community Rewards Card, you can help us earn money just by shopping at Pathmark.
Click on the eScript link for more information.
Thank you for your support!
Ready! Set! Go!
Our new dot labels will help you and your children find and select the best books for their reading level!
Blue Dots: First-time readers
Red Dots: Early Readers
Yellow Dots: Middle readers
Green Dots: Independant readers
The purpose of the COVID-19 FUND is to assist individuals and families who have been financially impacted due to the COVID-19 crisis.
The FCS Covid-19 Fund is only open to applicants in the FCS service area, which include Monmouth, Middlesex and Mercer Counties.
Please note: If you are applying for utility assistance, mortgage payments in arrears, sewer bill, property taxes, or a security deposit, you should first apply to the Affordable Housing Alliance for financial aid. For more information, log on to https://ahacap.com/.
April 13, 2020
We've got you covered! Apply here for a temporary card:
Please visit us on Instagram and our Youtube Channel.